Political Contributions & Charitable Work
Attorney Brian Claypool Cares About His Communities
It is second nature for Attorney Brian Claypool to care about his communities and find ways he can help improve them. To this end, he stays active in local political campaigns in hopes of getting the most qualified people in the right seats. He and the Claypool Law Firm also enjoy contributing and supporting local charities whenever possible.
Political Contributions
Mr. Claypool has been actively involved in city and state government by assisting select candidates in fundraising and public relations. Mr. Claypool assisted with Eric Garcetti’s inaugural campaign for L.A. City Council against incumbent Mike Woo. This was a landmark, grassroots campaign in which Mr. Garcetti is now President of the L.A. City Council.
Additionally, Mr. Claypool tirelessly assisted in fundraising efforts for several political former campaigns, including Gil Garcetti for the District Attorney’s office, Richard Reardon for the Governor’s office, Kathleen Connell for Mayor of Los Angeles, and Jerry Brown in his successful bid for State Attorney General.
Charitable Work
Roberto Clemente Foundation:
Currently, Mr. Claypool assists the board of directors of the Roberto Clemente Foundation to raise money to construct community centers and baseball fields for the benefit of disadvantaged youth in the inner city of Pittsburgh.
Tickets for Kids:
Mr. Claypool participates in and was appointed to serve on the Advisory Board for the Tickets for Kids® charities, which create opportunities for underprivileged children who normally would not have the opportunity to experience arts and cultural, educational, sporting, and family entertainment events and activities.
Claypool’s Clan:
Claypool’s Clan was developed by Mr. Claypool as an outreach program allowing disadvantaged youth to attend in a professional baseball game. Each year, Mr. Claypool purchases three season tickets to his home baseball team, The Pittsburgh Pirates. They are provided with quality seats, a baseball cap and ball, and Mr. Claypool’s testimony outlining his journey from a difficult childhood to his current, prestigious role in civil rights litigation. Each child is encouraged to sign an agreement that states they will not give up hope, live the best life they can, and persevere passionately toward their goals.
Adelphia Village:
Adelphia Village was established by Mr. Claypool’s mother, Ramona Marzano Claypool. Adelphia House’s function is to provide a conduit for abandoned youth and prospective adoptive parents. The target age for these adoptions is 13-18 years. Most abandoned youth within this age group are often forgotten and left to the state. The Adelphia House is a much-needed voice in helping youth be placed in loving foster and forever homes.
Mr. Claypool is currently in the process of partnering with a nonprofit organization in the northeast to take the model and further the great goals of the Adelphia Village.
World Vision Child Sponsorship:
World Vision goes into downtrodden villages worldwide and drills water wells and plants crops for those in need. For $35 a month, supporters can provide vital needs – like food, school supplies, and medical care – for a child and their family.
Mr. Claypool has played an integral role in World Vision’s efforts to sponsor children in need. Mr. Claypool sponsors eight children and tirelessly works with World Vision to enlist new sponsors. As a Child Ambassador for World Vision, Mr. Claypool coordinates sponsorship events with other partners, such as various churches and outreach organizations, in an effort to persuade others to sponsor children. He also volunteers at various events such as Women of Faith Conferences and Christian concerts, such as Casting Crowns and Third Day. Mr. Claypool recently attended a regional World Vision Child Sponsorship Conference and was highly instrumental in signing up close to 95 new sponsors. If you’d like to sponsor a child through World Vision, please do so at their website.

Why You Can Count on the Claypool Law Firm
The firm has an approximate 90% success rate. Mr. Claypool has conducted in excess of 100 jury trials in state and federal courts.
Mr. Claypool is personally involved in every case and is committed to building strong personal connections with his clients.
To ensure that every client receives the attention and support he or she deserves, our firm maintains a select caseload and will not hesitate to partner with other upstanding lawyers in Southern California.
Our firm is committed to helping victims of injustice break the code of silence that often permeates within private and government entities.